Thursday, November 12, 2009

Neuromancer Conclusion

Gibson leaves the reader of Neuromancer satisfied yet still wanting more with the ambiguity he presents at the conclusion of his novel. In one sense we find ourselves content as Wintermute is finally meshed with its counterpart, Neuromancer. We also see that Case has finally reached some clarification to his internal conflict about what exactly his motives are on this quest Armitage has led him on. Upon receiving the word from 3Jane Case has completed this job and achieved what he set forth to do. With the help of his team he was able to deactivate the poison sacs in his body. Ironically, Riviera is killed by poison. Here Gibson seems to be sending a message about cyberspace as a leakage of poison and artificiality.

Despite the unexpected ties Gibson presents at the conclusion of Neuromancer we are left with quite a bit of unresolved conflict. Molly, in particular, is a character that is incredibly difficult to figure out, her motives with Case in particular. Her leaving him for good is a hint that her love for him is not intimate enough to stay with him forever, but at the same time we wonder exactly what will happen to her. We are also left with the uncertainty of what happened to Flatline. It is clear that the intention was for it to be erased, but we are not sure if this deed is ever fully carried out.

By leaving some interpretation up to the reader, Gibson invites multiple ideas to spring forth from his novel. The complex relations between the artificial intelligence of the cyberspace world and the natural human world collide with great force and leave us still unsure as to how exactly the mysteries of the computer age fit into our lives.

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